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Freshman Season: Welcome party of PGA Students 新生季:国际部新老生交流会

发布时间:2019年09月20日 15:29

  Time flies不知不觉开学已经快一个月了,国际班的新生也慢慢摸索到了GAC课程学习的一点门道,但还是有不少同学抱怨课程的难度。为了让高一的同学们能更好的把握国际课程学习脉络,一年一次的国际班传统活动——新老生交流会又开始啦!作为高二的学长学姐给高一的新生传授了什么学习秘籍呢,让我们一起来看看吧!

 All grade 11 students were divided into 3 groups, they introduced their own experience from the GAC courses, extracurricular activities and the TOEFL exam.

Group 1 students introduced the content of GAC courses and how to get a high score in GAC courses. They also shared their own  interesting experience in writing essays. The emoticons they shared with grade 10 students indicated their optimism when facing difficulties. Their speeches were punctuated by bursts of applause.

 Group 2 students showed lots of fun pictures of extracurricular activities they joined last year. Ranging from Halloween party, Christmas Party, Winter Camp, Summer Camp and  volunteer activities etc. Grade 10 Students were very curious about all the activities and looking forward to taking part in all the activities.

   Group 3 students shared their experience in taking the TOEFL exam and introduced the policy of MyBest Score.

